Doberman pedigrees
Welcome to my doberman page
Still today, as years ago, the Doberman is often misunderstood and feared. Dobermans of today are used for , Show, Obiedince, Schutzhund, Tracking, as well as Dobermans have played roles in many movies.
However,Your dog that is sound asleep outside has the potential to inflict horrifying injuries to a child and don't think that your fun loving pet is not capable, it is and it is happening every day.
Every dog should be familiar with the basic obedience commands including come, heel, sit, down and stay. Teaching your dog to sit-stay and down-stay off leash is also a valuable lesson. Additional commands that are useful include: leave it, give it, stop it, enough or cease.

Dog needs to be under the control of the handler. If the dog thinks it can snatch the food or ball from your hand it will not make progress with learning a new behaviour.

When training is positive and fun, both you and your dog can enjoy the process as well as the results. To teach your dog anything new, the task must offer some kind of reward when completed.
If the correct training and handling is carried out the dog will become a predictable animal.
How much work it takes to achieve that goal depends upon many factors the most important of which are: the patience and consistency of the teaching, the temperament of the dog, and the amount of time the dog has the opportunity to learn. The more time the dog spends as a member of the family the more easily it will learn social skills simply because it will have more opportunity to practice, make mistakes, be corrected for behaving well.

Socialize your dog
Introduce your dog to many different types of people and situations so that he or she is not nervous or frightened under normal social circumstances.
Train your dog. Accompanying your dog to a training class is an excellent way to socialize him and to learn proper training techniques. Training your dog is a family matter. Every member of your household should learn the training techniques and participate in your dog's education. Never send away your dog to be trained; only you can teach your dog how to behave in your home.

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